Bebop Tango

Bebop Tango“. Väggmålning av kårrestaurang, Luleå Tekniska universitet. Verket uppfört tillsammans med Ola Freijd juli 2007.

Text till Facebook i samband med eventuellt gestaltningsuppdrag i nybyggnation i Luleå:  

 “In 2007 I had the honor to paint the walls at the students’ own restaurant and bar STUK at Luleå University of Technology ( LTU ). Since I earlier had worked as a programmer and data systems designer for some years at the Data Central at LTU ( building up a new Publishing tool for the students and library personal ) it was extra special for me to do this work which I called “Bebop Tango” – a title borrowed from a very special tune by the very special american artist Frank Zappa.

Nice teamwork with the students and personal from LTU led to this expression – a bit of graffiti on the walls. The restaurant that in the evening turns to a nightclub filled with dancing people. The restaurant space dressed in black elements was new, created by the architect bureau Aili & Tirsén. So the idea of this black and white with colored big dots turned out very well. We were all pleased. And thanks to excellent assistans, from my artist colleague Ola Freijd, we finished this work in one week. ”

Bebop TangoBebop TangoBebop TangoBebop Tango

Foto: Ola Freijd 1, Anders Alm 2-4

Tyvärr målades väggarna över efter några år. Det var STUK själva, som utan att ha pratat med LTU-ledningen, målade dom svarta. Saken blev polisanmäld av LTU-ledningen men ärendet lades ned. Jag gick inte heller vidare med saken. STUK sa att det var så mycket skador på väggen efter alla kvällar med nattklubb.